Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Nee-chu's Perspective

"…[T]o see differently in this way for once, to want to see differently, is no small discipline and preparation of the intellect for its future ‘objectivity’—the latter understood not as ‘disinterested contemplation’ …but rather as the capacity to have one’s pros and cons in one’s power, and to shift them in and out: so that one knows how to make precisely the difference in perspectives and affective interpretations useful for knowledge…

"There is only perspectival seeing, only a perspectival ‘knowing’; and the more affects we allow to speak about a matter, the more eyes, different eyes we know how to bring to bear on one and the same matter, that much more complete will our ‘concept’ of this matter, our ‘objectivity’ be."

On the Genealogy of Morality, Third Treatise, Section 12



Blogger Zophorian said...

This is brilliant! How on earth did I miss ear-marking the page and underlining these words when I read Genealogy? It reminds me of Vattimo’s favorite Nietzsche quote: “There are no facts only interpretation.” But this goes one step further, it claims that subjectivity can become objectivity. It is a bold claim and a brilliant insight that when perspective (or paradigm) changes what is considered objective also changes.

2/01/2007 7:41 AM  

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